Dottera Essential Oils

Build your Dottera essential oil over time and enjoy the benefit of becoming an advocate and of course the oils.  One of the best and purest oil on the planet with traceability that you can feel confident to put on your body!

Mitacell Wellness

The best supplement technology on the planet! An absorption rate of 97% -100%, Elipsiod Mita Technology generates amazing results by getting large amounts of the supplement into your body... fast saving you money!

HeartMath Products

What can be measured can be managed! The Inner Balance Technology connects to your phone and you can practice your HeartMath techniques on demand enjoying the full benefit of brain-heart coherence!

Tyent Molecular Hydrogen

Organic Whole Foods

Water Distiller

Gut Transform Programme

This programme require working under the supervision of a professional!

You will need to be assessed first before start such programme. You can start with our basic package - see consultation!

Liver Detox Programme

This programme require working under the supervision of a professional!

You will need to be assessed first before start such programme. You can start with our basic package - see consultation!

Shilagit & Saffron

Our Shalit is special and comes from Hunza one of the Blue Zones of the planet. Saffron is the most expensive spice and we have good quality from Spain!

Check for stock availability!

Functional Water and Filter (Molecular Hydrogen)

Maximus Pro Bungee Rebounder

Electromagnetic Frequency (EMF) Protection

Book Your Discovery Call

Let's Co-create your wellness plan with a life resilient to stress, full of Energy and Balance while boosting your Happiness!

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