The Human Energy Performance & Wellness (HEPW)

Whatever difficulties or pain you are experiencing right now which may be impacting on your health, family and social life, work performance, happiness and abundance, the one thing you should know that it could be all related to your Energy!

At a cellular level we need to make sure we are feeding our cells, the energy factory called the mitochondria properly. Energy is the real currency of your happiness and success!

There are various of mind-body modalities that can be potentially used to get some improved health outcomes. The Human Energy Performance & Wellness is a holistic approach that brings science and technology with spirituality together. Some techniques practiced thousands of years in the history of humanity are now used through the lens of modern science for the individual optimal well-being and daily performance. The solution provided primarily looks at human being and life not only at the level of bio-chemistry but also at an Energetic level using quantum science. As humans we are bio-electromagnetic beings.

We also look at Energy in terms of capacity. It is the energy that fuels us to do what we need to do in this world. We explore how to channel and support the body, mind to do what we are supposed to do and how you can support your health, energy and vitality sustainably.

The current health model of restoring energy in people’s mind is looking for the weekend (if they are lucky enough) or the holidays to recoup. Moreover, people are told to look at work and life balance, eat healthy, exercise, and have a positive mind. While these are valid and good, you will find that people are still suffering from stress or feeling stuck to advance in life despite working hard. People come back to work and still feel they need another holiday - after a holiday! Does that sound familiar?

As a holistic practitioner and with Functional Medicine Health Coaching approach, we explore areas of:

  • Nutrition and Nourishment,
  • Sleep, Rest and Relaxation,
  • Exercise and Movement,
  • Breathwork, Heart Rate Variability and Coherence,
  • Stress Assessment and Management
  • Emotions and Relationships
  • Body systems and stressors
  • Genetics, epigenetics and inherited epigenetics
  • Trapped emotions and Trauma

Under one roof we bring  coaching, mentoring and energy balancing model to assist individuals to manage and expand their most critical resource for higher performance - their Energy!

We help groups and individuals to unleash their potential, their genius going beyond mental health towards mental fitness, synchronise the brain and the heart and gut to achieve total physiological and biological coherence linked with their environment.

We help, individuals, groups and teams to meet their ever-increasing demands and become more productive and effective under pressure (internal and external) without sacrificing their health and happiness at a fair cost with most of the modalities they need working with our highly skilled coach and energy medicine practitioner.

At a clinical level, we look at which systems are under stress and going into the root-cause using bio-resonance technology primarily with also genetic and functional testing.

We also help you to tap into your own body intelligence and wisdom, clear the stumbling blocks, build your resilience and use the wealth of abundance of your own life experience and stories, and further attract the abundance of health, wealth and longevity into your life towards inner peace.

We also provide you a selection of solution that work in real time  working with your subconscious which directs 95% of your life! We can coach you and also provide you guidance with simple and effective tools. It is said seeing is believing. With the bio-feedback technology (which you can own) you learn to measure yourself daily and have that personal accountability with fast and simple techniques applied in the moment of stress.

It is also said that knowledge is power! At a deeper level we help you to tap into your inner wisdom and body intelligence to self-heal, understand your body while also making you more intuitive.

We run the HeartMath Resilience Advantage® Workshop for Public, Charity and Corporate organisations to help staffs manage stress and build the capacity to bounce back in the face of adversity and challenges they face and build the energy and the synergy for your team and organisational needs.

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Let's Co-create your wellness plan with a life resilient to stress, full of Energy and Balance while boosting your Happiness!

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